Alumier Consultations

Have you got skin concerns that have been bothering you? Would you like to discuss these issues with a professional? Well, the good news is, we are here to help you achieve that glowing skin you have always wished for.

Book today for your 1-1 skin consultation with one of our lovely and professional therapists. Let us take a deep look into your skin concerns, skincare routine, diet and lifestyle and we can work together to offer you a bespoke home care routine with Alumier award winning products.

Beautiful skin doesn’t happen overnight however with our professional advice, with the use of Alumier skincare home products and in salon treatments, we can help you achieve your skin goals.

Book your free skin consultation

Serious skincare. Serious results.

A chemical peel is a treatment used to improve skin texture and tone. An acid is applied to the skin to lower the PH, which loosens the connections between dead skin cells, including exfoliation and stimulating new cell growth. This process causes superficial layers of dead skin to peel off, revealing a smoother and more radiant complexion.

A bottle of an Alumier product sitting on someone's palm with the words 'Skincare that delivers. Resutls, direct to your door.' on the image background.

Treatment information

  Single Price

Intro Facial

Perfect for those wanting to take the leap into medical grade facial treatments but aren’t quite ready to go the whole way just yet! This treatment will introduce you to the products and where your therapist can get a feel for your skin where she can help and advise for future advanced treatments that may be suitable.



This highly effective and gentle fruit enzyme resurfacing treatment exfoliates dead skin cells and promotes skin radiance. This treatment will also include an enhancement mask to condition and boost skins resilience. The perfect prep towards your peeling journey.



Kick start your peeling journey with this advanced skin resurfacing treatment tailored to your skins individual needs. This customised chemical peel with lactic acid and/or salicylic acid, will gently exfoliate revealing a clearer more radiant complexion.



This two-step protocol will effectively rejuvenate skin for a brighter, smoother and clearer complexion. A peel enhancement mask or booster will then be applied.



This three-step treatment effectively rejuvenates at multiple layers with an enhancement mask, peel and booster, resulting in a brighter, smoother and retextured complexion.



This intensive treatment, uses a potent combination peel for resilient skin with peeling experience, effectively rejuvenates at multiple layers with an enhancement mask, multi-layer peel booster. This powerful treatment will dramatically retexture and refine your skin’s surface, for ultimate skin health.


Book a course of 3 Peels and receive a FREE Alumier SPF

Book a course of 6 Peels and receive a FREE Alumier Cleanser and SPF

What to expect before and after your peel

Chemical peels are able to treat concerns such as pigmentation, acne and ageing skin, by increasing cell turnover and bringing newer skin cells to the surface. Chemical peels encourage exfoliation by sloughing off dead skin cells, forcing your body to quickly replenish them with new cells. When peels are performed regularly, the skin gets us​ed to this process and begins to rejuvenate itself like younger skin. Chemical peels cause controlled damage to the epidermis and / or the dermis with the goal of stimulating new tissue to improve skin texture and tone. This process reveals a smoother and more radiant complexion.

Peel treatments rejuvenate the skin, improve skin texture and firmness, decreasing fine lines and wrinkles.

Peels also even out skin tone, improve pigmentation, acne-prone skin and reduce the appearance of pore size.

For best results we recommend the following…

  • To reduce risk of complications, it is recommended that you use AlumierMD home care products for 10/14 days prior to your treatment.

  • Avoid sun exposure and tanning beds for at least two weeks prior to treatment.

  • Avoid exfoliating your skin and the use of retinoid products (eg.Retinol, Retin A, Tazorac) and high levels of AHA and BHA products for approximately 7 days prior to treatment.

  • Avoid any form of facial waxing and threading 7 days prior to your peel.

AlumierMD skin treatments result in minimal to no downtime but create dramatic and visible results. Treatments may cause slight redness, tightness, peeling, flaking or temporary dryness.

Due to the nature of these treatments, you should not necessarily expect to “peel”. However, you may have light to moderate flaking in a few areas for 3 to 7 days. You may also experience residual redness, which lasts in most patients from 1 to 12 hours. It is recommended that you do not apply makeup the day of your treatment. It is ideal to allow the skin to stabilise and rest overnight.

After your peel your skin may feel tight and “pulled”, it is likely that you will experience a light exfoliation. It may take 2 more treatments to target the deeper layers of skin to loosen and “peel”. In order to obtain maximum results and avoid complications.

After every peel treatment you have with us, you will receive a complimentary post peel procedure kit. You should ONLY use these products provided to you for the next 5 to 7 days.

In order to obtain maximum results and avoid complications please follow our recommendations below.

  • Only use the products provided to you in your post procedure kit for 5 to 7 days post treatment.

  • Keep your skin hydrated. Hydration is key to proper healing.

  • DO NOT cleanse your skin in the evening of your peel.

  • DO NOT pick or pull any flaking skin.

  • DO NOT tan or use tanning beds for at least 14 days post peel.

  • DO NOT have electrolysis, waxing threading or any other form of hair removal for 7days post treatment.

  • DO NOT use facial scrubs or mechanical forms of exfoliation for 14 days post peel.

  • DO NOT use retinoic acid, AHA or BHA for 14 days post peel.

  • DO NOT have laser hair removal, photofacials, chemical peels or microdermabrasion for 14 days post peel.

  • DO NOT apply ice or ice water on the treated area.

  • DO NOT use hot tubs, steam rooms, saunas, and/or excessively hot showers for 2 days post peel.

  • DO NOT go swimming for 2 days post peel.

  • DO NOT participate in aerobic exercise for 2 days post peel.

Beautiful, healthy skin doesn’t happen overnight, and treatments take time to show results. A single chemical peel can provide the immediate effect of bright and radiant skin; however, more significant results in treating textural issues, fine lines and inflamed acne could take longer. For best results we would recommend a course of 3 to 6 depending on your skin concerns.

To achieve optimal results, we strongly advise to use home care products. Just as you take time to exercise you need to take time for your ‘daily skincare workout regimen’ in the morning and evening.

Book your peel now

AlumierMD Facials
Targeted Skin Booster Treatments

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